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Rejuvenate Medspa at Noble Eyes & Vision Center

Offering Aesthetic Services to help you look and feel your best.

Rejuvenate Medspa at Noble Eyes procedure being performedNoble Eyes & Vision Center offers the following aesthetic services to meet the needs of our patients. Contact us to learn more!

Back Facials:

The back facial begins with a gentle steaming to open pores and lift impurities, followed by a deep cleansing and exfoliation. The facial for the back concludes with a therapeutic mask and a massage.


A painless and gentle procedure that uses a small handheld medical device to remove the excess bacteria and toxins that live along the lash margin.

Chemical Peel:

An option for most skin types and concerns. Improves tone, texture, fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and breakouts. Chemical peels rely on a combination of skin safe ingredients that dissolve the top layers of the skin. The result is glowing skin.

Rejuvenate Medspa at Noble Eyes procedure being performed


A skin treatment that uses a medical blade to remove dead skin and vellus hair (peach fuzz), cleanse and moisturize, giving the skin a smooth, youthful and radiant appearance.

Rejuvenate Facial:

Our facials focus on creating not only a relaxing experience while cleansing, hydrating and exfoliating, but they are customized to your needs. They include manual cleansing, steam, physical exfoliation, massage and mask.

Hydro-jelly Masks:

A powder base that becomes a jelly like consistency once activated with water. Once applied, they jelly solidifies, creating a vacuum seal that pushes all the beneficial delightful ingredients into your skin! After about 15-20 minutes, we peel it of leaving little to no residue.


Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) is a cosmetic procedure to improve skin textures. IPL treats reds and browns and telangiectasia (blood vessels).


A procedure that uses heat and gentle massage to restore the natural oil flow to the tear film that covers the eye’s surface, bringing significant relief to patients with Ocular Surface Disease (dry eye).

LLL (Low Level Light) Therapy:

Equipped with six full spectrum LED wavelengths, this diverse platform is for patients treating a variety skin conditions. From anti-aging therapy and skin rejuvenation to hyperpigmentation, rosacea and acne treatment.

Rejuvenate Medspa at Noble Eyes procedure being performedRejuvenate Medspa at Noble Eyes procedure being performed


A non-invasive treatment that gently exfoliates the skin, leaving your complexion smoother and brighter and lightens age spots and uneven pigmentation.


A state-of-the-art, non-ablative, skin resurfacing technology. Using a fractional laser to stimulate the production of new collagen and elastic fibers in the deeper layers of the skin.


A non-surgical skin tightening treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to firm up loose skin around the eyes. This non-invasive treatment can also minimize facial wrinkles and fine lines.

Please click on the images below to see our Medspa options and pricing.

At Noble Eyes & Vision Center, we want our patients to feel and look their best. To learn more about our Medspa offerings in University Place and Puyallup, give us a call or schedule an appointment online.