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Specialty Procedures for Ocular Surface Disease

Noble Eyes & Vision Center offers several specialty procedures to treat diseases such as Ocular Surface Disease. Learn more below.

IPL treatment machine

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy

Treat the root cause of dry eye: chronic inflammation.

IPL is a drug-free, drop-free light-based treatment, which targets the root causes of ocular surface disease and blepharitis. It treats periocular inflammatory conditions such as ocular rosacea and telangiectasia, which can lead to ocular surface conditions such as ocular surface disease.

TempSure Envi treatment machine for Radiofrequency


Meibomian Gland Disorder (MGD) is the leading cause of ocular surface disease and discomfort in the eye area, and it is now treatable with TempSure’s Radiofrequency technology, TempSure Envi.

The TempSure Envi is a non-surgical lid-lift (blepharoplasty) treatment that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to safely and effectively treat dry eyes and what people often describe as ‘baggy eyes’ and wrinkles for a smoother, healthier-looking appearance.

Lipiflow treatment machine


Lipiflow is an in-office ocular surface disease treatment procedure to heat and massage oil gland blockages. If we can get your oil glands open, we can work on keeping them open with other easier more convenient treatment options.

This procedure will preserve your eye anatomy, keep you much more comfortable, and give you the highest clarity of vision possible!

PROKERA® biologic corneal bandage device

PROKERA® Amniotic Membranes

PROKERA® biologic corneal bandage devices are used by eye doctors around the world to heal and treat ocular conditions such as keratitis, moderate to severe ocular surface disease, recurrent corneal erosions, filamentary keratitis, persistent epithelial defects, neurotrophic corneas, herpetic ulcers, and many other ocular surface diseases such as chemical burns and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

BlephEx® hand piece


BlephEx® is a painless in-office procedure performed by your eye care professional.

A revolutionary new patented BlephEx® hand-piece is used to very precisely spin a soft medical-grade micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes.

This procedure effectively removes years of accumulated bacterial biofilm, much like a dental cleaning removes accumulated plaque, also a biofilm. Once the biofilm is removed, your eyelids are cleaner and healthier.

A healthy eyelid is critical for normal tear production and a reduction in a patient’s ocular surface disease.

LLLT treatment machine

Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

Level Light Therapy LED is a device that has Blue, Red, Pink, Yellow, Green, and Infra-red Light on the same device. So, in addition to providing effective dry eye treatment, it allows you to treat a variety of skin and vascular conditions, making it the most comprehensive LLLT system. The iLightPro LLLT treatment does not result in any down time, is painless, and is non-invasive.

Interested in a specialty procedure? Book an appointment at Noble Eyes & Vision Center today.